FIFA 23 players are unhappy as their Pre-Season Rewards have been issuing the wrong versions of players.

FUT users were excited about the issuing of their rewards but there were a few FUT players who incorrectly received the wrong item type of players in TOTW 3 and the Road to the Knockouts promo.

Here’s everything you need to know about problem and the compensation impacted players will receive!

Pre-Season Rewards Warm Up Pack 2
Pre-Season Reward Warm UP Pack 2

Pre-Season Rewards Issuing The Wrong Items

FUT users should be receiving the special item types for players in TOTW 3 and the Road to the Knockouts promo in their rewards. Instead some players are reportedly receiving the normal gold version of these players.

This user packed Zambo Anguissa who is currently in packs as a Road to the Knockouts item, however they only received the normal gold version of the Napoli midfielder.

The problem with the packs doesn’t seem to have been a global issue. These two FUT players received different versions of Konaté in their rewards.

This has left many FIFA players unhappy with EA Sports FIFA. @FUT23News has used a crying emoji to express his disappointment in which he calls “another mistake”.

The other mistake is a reference to EA releasing a Dynamic Duos SBC Jack Harrison and Rodrigo for Leeds United. These Dynamic Duos items were incorrectly given the wrong dynamic image.

FUT Camp has also expressed his disappointment at the situation with the use of a facepalm.

Another FIFA 23 player expressed their opinion and demanded compensation for the issue.

Other FIFA 23 players are wondering, how EA have made this mistake.

Will I Get Compensated for the Pre-Season Packs?

EA have confirmed that players impacted by this mistake will receive a corrected pack in the upcoming days.

The rewards rollout has also stopped while EA investigate the problem.

The FUT 22 Pre Season Reward Packs incorrectly contained Gold versions of Player Items that currently have Special Items active. This pack rollout has been temporarily disabled and impacted players will be sent a corrected pack in-game in the coming days.

@EAFIFADirect on Twitter
EA is aware of the issue and is actively working on re-issuing the corrected packs to impacted players

Keep checking back for information on when the compensation will be issued!

What are Pre-Season Rewards?

Pre-Season rewards are packs that were available to obtain at the end of FIFA 22.

EA Sports had a promotion where FUT players completed a series of objectives to earn these rewards. There were a total of five reward sets that were obtainable.

While you wait to receive the correct special item, why don’t you check out what special cards are available currently in FIFA 23’s SBCs!

Staff Writer
Scott is a passionate writer, who has now combined two of his favorite things - video games and journalism.